Thursday, December 18, 2014

Humility.Compassion - They will never lead you astray.

Humility : a modest or low view of one's own importance. 

Compassion : the emotion that one feels in response to the suffering of others that motivates a desire to help.

When is the last time your humility was put to test? More likely than not, you found yourself in a situation that forced you to check your humility gauge! Humility is what helps us understand there is something greater than self. That's right - YOU are not the end-all-be-all. I like to think of humility in terms of ego. Yoga has taught me SO much about the ego. Where it holds a space in my life, and where it needs to get lost. Today was a beautiful demonstration of letting go of ego. Finding humility and compassion when the world needs it most. So I'm sure you are wondering what happened that inspired me to write about this. 

This lovely Thursday morning came with yet another cold Denver frost. I took my routine stroll to the local coffee shop where I spend most of my mornings - checking e-mails, looking at the markets, preparing yoga sequences, reading the news updates, etc. There I sat at the community table, same spot as always. I guess you could say I am a creature of habit :) 

As I sipped my steamed Mate-Chai Latte, I could taste feelings of gratitude and appreciation. There is such a beautiful world out there, and I'm honored to be a part of it. Although only one small soul in this universe, everyONE has something to contribute. What wonderful thoughts to start the day. 

As expected, in walks the group of older gentlemen that often meets in the mornings. There's probably 8 of them or so. Older fellas. I see them often - they always gather at the community table. In the past, I have offered to move so the community table comfortably accommodates their entire group, but they have always welcomed me with kindness. Today was not the same. 

As the fellas began to settle into their space - waiting for a few stragglers to order their coffee - one of the gentlemen picked up the sign on the community table to ensure I was aware of the "table policy." It's a community table - I get it. If I am taking up valuable group space, the polite thing to do is move. Just as I have offered to do in the past, with no objections from the group to stay put. Apparently someone had not spoke up before today, but today was the day he chose to do so! 

This man asked me to leave the table, insisting he should be able to have a private conversation at the community table with his friends. Just as they often do. Taken back, I look at the man and say "I'm not sure if I should take this literally or if you are joking." You see, I have started building a relationship with many of these fellas over the last few weeks when I have seen them there. I look around the table to try and pick up clues from his friends. I was having a difficult time reading the group. The other fellas inform me their friend is being serious but I am welcome to stay at the table. 

At this point, you couldn't pay me to continue sitting next to this man who has disrespected me and treated me wrongfully with no intent or kindness. So I get up and move. Meanwhile, several other individuals enjoying their morning cuppa joe overheard the conversation and are gawking with confusion. A few of these strangers even took action and approached me after I moved to reassure me I handled the situation well. 

Talk about a test of humility. 6 months ago - I would have probably lit this old fella up. I would have struck with defensiveness, ego, and would have undoubtedly denied his request to move. Instead, my emotions swayed the other way. I felt a deep sense of compassion. I even became sad. Sad for this old fella because I know he must be going through something heart-breaking to be okay with treating a stranger with such a lack of kindness. I don't know his story - but I know it's not as beautiful as mine. 

It was in this moment I realized just how beautiful my story was. This experience that first felt awkward and unwelcoming, turned into the most humbling experience I have had in quite a while. Just another reason to be grateful. There is nothing more fulfilling than realizing personal growth. In this case, humility and compassion led me to a highly desired place. 

And so as I strolled home, I thought to myself:
You are god damn AMAZING. Never forget it. 

I'm sure I will see this man again. He is far too old to not have beauty in his life. I can only hope he finds it someday soon..

Yours Truly,
Be Bold - Be Brilliant - Be Beautiful

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