Saturday, December 20, 2014

A reflection on 2014

A reflection on 2014. 

As 2014 comes to a close, there is no better time to reflect on the past year - the memories - the lessons - the tears - the joy - the sadness - the happiness. 2014 was one hell of a year for me. Here's a few highlights:

  • Another year for immense career growth at CI - only to leave it all behind as a memory. Best decision I have made in a long time. 
  • Learned what a great ski/ride season really looks like - and made a ton of wonderful friends in the process. Shout out to my BMW's. Badass. Mountain. Women. - Credits to Trishy on the acronym. Gol babe, I couldn't summarize my year with you if I had a 500-page novel to do so. Love you. 
  • Traveled with Hannah to NYC to visit the lovely Kayla. Always so many memories with these two. Took a separate solo trip to NYC to surprise Kayla - I will never forget the look on her face! true friendship isn't about being inseparable, it's about being separate and nothing changes. Love you sis. 
  • Met a few special guys that helped me gain a little hope for a future relationship. Although I have no idea what I want out of a relationship - I'm starting to learn what I don't want. Gotta start somewhere!
  • Bonded with a few special babes in Denver. If I have learned anything about friendship, it is not about having tons of friends, but rather having real friends who add meaning and value to your life. Don't know where I would be without my babes!
  • Went to Beaver Creek for the first time - epic epic day!

  • Watched a few college friends unite with their significant others - so blessed to have the opportunity to share these amazing moments with others. 
  • Moved to Washington Park from the DTC - long overdue!
  • Took a work trip to Austin, TX with all of my favorite co-workers. We definitely kept it weird!
  • Hiked to Conundrum Falls in Aspen - highest hot springs in the U.S. Hiked to the springs to watch the sunrise - breathtaking. 
  • Went white water rafting and mountain biking for the first time. I think I am finally developing a love for summer activities in Colorado
  • Cliff jumping at Green Mountain Reservoir with my dub ("W") boys. Wade and Wally. These two. I so appreciate all you two do for me - I can always count on you, especially when I need to be put in my place. Much LOVE!
  • Started weight training with mr. Wadey. This has helped me recover from my on-going running injury. I have gained so much strength - both mentally and physically. What I thought was going to be an short-term injury recovery has turned into a new passion.
  • As noted above, but probably one of the most important things from the year: left my career behind to explore the bigger things in life. One of the scariest decisions I have made - but I have learned so much about myself through the process and I could not be more content. 
  • Took a 10-week intensive Yoga Teacher Training program. Changed my life when I needed it most. The world has an interesting way of making sure you are right where you need to be - even if in the moment it does not feel that way. 
  • Lost my childhood home in Kansas City to arson. Everything happens for a reason - you have to identify the positive and run with it. I now have a raw understanding of "everything can be gone in the blink of an eye." Cherish every moment - everything - and everyone. Dad is now with us in Colorado and our bond is stronger than ever. That man is my hero - my best friend - my biggest fan - my role model - my rock. I love you Dad. 
  • My brother moved to Denver! So nice having family close by.

Let's get raw. This year has been one of many ups and downs for me. I have finally developed an understanding and appreciation for the fluctuations. I have learned to remain content in the roughest of storms and how to find beauty when it seems there is nothing left. Everything is possible. Everything happens for a reason - don't force anything - follow your heart - and never give up. You are right where you are supposed to be. Learn to cherish the hardships and pain - they help you grow and blossom into your most beautiful self. For me, 2014 was a year for self-realization and self-acceptance. Being true to yourself is your biggest asset - it will never lead you astray. When you don't force things - you leave space for what really matters - the things that light you up. The things that make you happy and let you shine. So grateful for what 2014 brought to me. 

2015 - I have a good feeling about you!

Yours Truly,
Be Bold - Be Brilliant - Be Beautiful

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