Friday, April 22, 2016

you know those days where things don't seem to come together? and then you start to question things. you doubt your intuition, your gut, and your personal journey. your mind stirs into thoughtless questions like what the hell am i doing with my life? is this enough? where is this leading me? why am i doing this? is this what i really want? it's like a downward spiral. one thoughtless moment leads to the next. and then you start to feel alone. like you are the only one experiencing these thoughts.


slow down. listen. where are these thoughts originating? from the mind? from the belly? from the heart? my guess is that they come straight from the head. the mind lives above the heart; it will always try to question your true desires. 

the reality is, these thoughts will always be present. we must not try to control or put an end to these thoughts. we must learn how to take a step back, slow down, find stillness, and listen. 
it is not always a bad thing to question where you are - so long as it is with good intentions to make sure you are on track. these thoughts surface to teach us something. 

sometimes the lesson is to reinforce or assure us that we are on the right track. we are right where we need to be. and other times they surface to help us understand that we have veered off track. we need to make some shifts to fulfill our desires. 

either way, these thoughts are VALUABLE. you must not attach yourself to your thoughts. you are not your thoughts. but rather, learn from them. take them as a valuable lesson. a self-taught lesson - those are the most powerful!

you are not alone. please know that you are supported. we all have that person in our life that we call for support. maybe it's a friend, a partner, a parent, or a mentor. whoever it is - tap into your resources. sometimes it takes a simple statement or message of reassurance to put you back on track. it's okay to ask for help! 

don't sell yourself short because of self-doubt. there's a lot of people out there counting on you to fulfill your dreams, to live your passion, and share your gift. be the light. be the inspiration. be the leader. be the change. never give into the thoughtless patterns of the mind. become an observer. live from your heart. be bold. be brilliant. be beautiful.

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