Thursday, December 31, 2015

Two.Thousand 15

Another year passed. 

It started off as an adventure. After quitting my "career" last September in search of something bigger, this year was full of self-discovery. Here's some highlights of things I did:

1. Moved back to Breckenridge. This place makes my heart full everyday. I am so blessed to call it home.
2. Started teaching yoga. A practice in life that I am so passionate about. Yoga has taught me so much of what I need to know to live a happy healthy life. Although I have discovered it is not the end all be all (what really is?) I am so blessed with this gift and my ability to share it with others. 
3. Got a job at a cute boutique in Breckenridge - Ruby Jane. Such great energy. This place can light up any bad day. A great reminder that I love to be on my feet, talk to people, and be a part of something. 
4. Traveled to Nicaragua on a yoga retreat with Lindsay Gonzalez. Faced a fear of traveling solo post-retreat. Did a lot of crying, reflecting, digging, and accepting. Made some amazing new life-long friends. Fell for a guy who taught me more about what I want out of a relationship. And that I was finally ready to love and give to someone after several years of finding love, value, and acceptance for myself. Vulnerability really is strength. 
5. Went climbing outdoors for the first time. Discovered a new level of strength - mentally and physically. Faced a fear of heights. 
6. Got into mountain biking. So much adrenaline. 
7. Traveled to Israel. A place I never thought I would have the desire to visit. In seek of exploring my heritage, I found so much more. I found a home. I connected with people unlike ever before. I understood myself. I accepted. I appreciated. I felt like I died and was resurrected by my experience. Words cannot begin to explain. I feel blessed. 
8. Visited Greece and Turkey. Ate some amazing authentic Mediterranean cuisine. Went diving for the first time. A lesson to be had in facing any fear. It will make you feel on top of the world. 
9. Started trading commodities with pops. Being a part of his world and putting myself in his shoes has helped me to understand and appreciate him more as my father and the human he is. Challenged my patience, confidence, and comfort zone. 
10. I started having periods again. Discovered acupuncture and other forms of alternative medicine that have been slowly creeping into my life. I'm all in!
11. Fell in love. The highlight of my year. People have always told me about this feeling that arises when you meet someone special. I have never felt that before now. And I especially never expected to find it in a town like Breckenridge. Or maybe I did. This place has always had my heart. JP has brought so much love, understanding, and life to my world. I am so grateful to have a humble, kind, loving, non-judgmental individual stand by me and love me unconditionally. He supports me in whatever I do. He's patient with me. He teaches me the things I need to know about life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. I'm not sure how I got so lucky. But I am so so grateful to call him my love and my best friend. 

What I'm proud of:
1. Facing a lot of different fears. 
2. Remaining vulnerable when running away felt like a better plan. 
3. Giving myself away. Learning how to be vulnerable and love someone. 
4. Standing strong for what I believe in. Staying true to myself and my intentions. Exploring myself. 
5. Slowing down. Although it wasn't slow (still working on how to slow down in life!). It was more intentional than ever before. I like that. 
6. Learning how to take better care of myself and find a balance between work, life, happiness, love, and all things beautiful. 

Needs Improvement:
1. Self-value. Self-worth. What is enough? For me? Not for others...
2. Patience. Instant gratification is NOT reality. 
3. Listening. Although this year was a great step in the right direction, I would like to hear and learn more. 
4. Letting go of fear of failure. Letting go of fear of the unknown.

2015 was big. Not just for me, but for many of the people in my life. Beauty comes in many forms. ThAcceptance, vulnerability, passion, and learning to listen to the beat of my heart. I had some amazing adventures, traveled to places most people would never dream of going, made countless memories, and met many inspiring individuals along the way. I followed the beat of my heart, learned to accept 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sunday Service - Gratitude

I have always been far removed from the idea of a Sunday service or spirituality practice -- going to church, going to youth group, volunteering, etc. It seems as though many people, mostly those with a strong family dynamic, make an effort to participate in these types of activities one day a week -- Sunday. This was never part of my upbringing. I never went to church. I never belonged to youth group. I was always encouraged to develop my own morals and ideas. To see things differently. Individualism was highly encouraged.

Although it has not always come easy to me, I'm glad that I have had an opportunity to explore my own beliefs and develop my own spirituality practices. It has helped me better understand myself as an individual as well as my contribution to this beautiful world. The independence has allowed me to explore things stronger and deeper than myself. For that I'm grateful.

Sunday Service: Gratitude

"In daily life, we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy."

32 things I love (credit to the lovely Tiffany Josephs for the gratitude chart):

1. My skin. I take pride in having good skin and always stick to a thorough skin-care regimen.
2. My hair. I thank mama for this one. I got some good locks!
3. My figure. It's kind of sexy. But I put in effort to take care of my body! Eating healthy and exercising is SO important.
4. Hazel eyes. My eyes have changed color a bit over the years, but their color is so unique and beautiful.
5. Dat ass dough. Haha. Trishy will get this.
6. My birthmark on my leg. It looks like a buffalo. I believe in signs - I always knew I belonged in Colorado ;)
7. My feet -- they support me EVERY single DAY.
8. My nose. It's a little Jewish - but I still love it.

1. I love teaching yoga. It is a service to others. I'm so happy to share this with others.
2. Compassion. Showing compassion and love for others is a service to the world. And in today's world, there's definitely not enough. Share the love!
3. Empowerment. Challenging students in yoga class is so rewarding to me. I love empowering people to feel strong - both mentally and physically.
4. Taking care of myself. Self-care and self love is so important. You must take care of yourself in order to show up with intention and take care of others. Do the world a favor and give yourself a little love.
5. Volunteering. I don't do near enough of it. What a great way to give back what I have been given. I way to provide for the less fortunate. I'm grateful for this opportunity and want to get more involved.
6. Gratitude. Just what this post is all about. I'm grateful for the feeling and service of gratitude.
7. Kindness. Small acts of kindness will change the world. Be kind today. tomorrow. and every day.
8. Connection. We are all in it together on this planet. Whether you realize it or not, we are all one and the sum of our parts is MUCH stronger than any individual human being. Make powerful connections that will change the world. Be intentional and the rest will follow.

1. Lets start with the basics. I have a warm shelter to go home to every night. So many people go their entire lives without that.
2. I get to call Breckenridge my home. One of the most beautiful places on Earth.
3. My mattress. My bed in general. It's so cushy and comfy.
4. My vitamix and my juicer. Love making yummy nutritious beverages in those things!
5. My massive TVs that I barely watch - haha - tv has never really been my thing. But love me some HGTV :)
6. My warm shower. Another thing many people go without. Nothing like that post-shower freshy fresh feeling.
7. The community hot tub. I have met so many great people in that tub. Great place to meet and greet people to my favorite place on Earth.
8. The pace and mentality of the surrounding people. It takes a certain type of person to live in the mountains and I have so much respect for people who chase happiness instead of money.

1. My pops. He's my biggest fan. I'm not sure where I would be without him.
2. My friends. Each and every one of them. Whether close or just an acquaintance, I have some amazing people in my life.
3. My ability to cultivate connection and friendship. It has always come easy to me. I love people. And I LOVE spending time with good people.
4. Inspiration. So many of my relationships in my life provide me inspiration. My people make me a better person. That is so important.
5. Connection. I have a knack for connecting people. Being resourceful.
6. Emotional connection. I am learning so much about emotions lately. They are such a strong force. Share the good ones!
7. Mom's presence. She really knows how to light up a home!
8. My relationship with myself. We all have our days. The days that nothing is enough - we focus too much on what is not rather than what is. But the powerful days - the days when my mind, body, and heart are all in alignment - watch out!!

So that's my Sunday service. My spiritual practice. Gratitude is the key to happiness. Be grateful!
Be bold. Be brilliant. Be beautiful.


Thursday, February 19, 2015

Learning to Fly

Writing helps me collect my thoughts when I am struggling to form cohesive intentions. It's like a form of expression that helps me understand me. Similar to yoga, it helps me free my soul. The mind is one of the most powerful things in the world. I often sit with thoughts and wonder "am I the only person in the universe feeling this way." I recognize how powerful the mind is, and most days my mind gets me closer to my dreams, but some days there's just no hope. It's the hopeless days that help me grow. They make me slow down. Slow down to speed up. They force me to be raw and show gratitude. They force me to be the best version of myself.

So I'm slowing it down. Soaking it in. Learning to fly.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

:Live your Truth:

Passion is on the top on my list for the most beautiful things in the world. It is intangible. Like many of the best things in life, passion is priceless. Passion develops from a deep sense of love for a greater purpose. The expression of such unconditional love for something greater is so inspirational. 

Inspiration. It's a drug. I'm an inspiration junkie. i LOVE to be inspired. Inspiration is often the feeling we associate with passion. Think of the last time someone inspired you. Why were you inspired? What did this person say or do to inspire you? Passion doesn't hide. It shines brighter than any star in the sky. 

What are you passionate about? I encourage you to make a list of 10 things you are passionate about. Passion can be anything. Can't think of 10? Start with what lights you up. What do you love. 

Here's mine - in no specific order!

1. Yoga
2. Making a difference in the world - there's so much love and beauty to spread.
3. The outdoors - nature can cure damn near anything. Be with it. 
4. Living a healthy and balanced life. Self-care. We only have one chance in this world - make it last. 
5. Connection - to friends - to family - to strangers - to inspiring leaders - we are all connected in one way or another. Discover your connection and hold on to it. Cherish it. It's a beautiful thing to be part of something big. 
6. Music - such a beautiful art that lights me up. I don't own a TV. Music allllll day!
7. Constant self-improvement. Learn to love yourself. Love your assets. Love what you hate about you. You have the choice to be better than you were yesterday. Don't be afraid to let go. 
8. Love. When you think of love, what do you think of? A person? A thing you love? Family? Love is so powerful in action.
9. Expression. In any form. Yoga. Writing. Snowboarding. It's all expression. There's something empowering about the ability to express yourself in so many different ways. Put out what you want back. Live your truth. 
10. Life. There's so many opportunities in the world. So many truths. So many falsities. Discover and conquer your truth. Express it. Love it. Be it. 

When expressed, passion brings so much light and love to the world. Be part of something beautiful. Whatever that means for you. Be passionate. Be truthful. Just be you. You are beautiful just the way you are. 

Be bold, be brilliant, be beautiful.