Sunday, January 10, 2016

making sense of it all.

sometimes life doesn't make any sense. one day we feel great. the next day we feel as if our world is falling apart. how do we make sense of what happens in between these two phases of life? where is the separation? where do we draw the line?

if we can grasp what everything means from a big picture point of view, we often find more content in the moment. but sometimes that isn't always easy. especially when you live your life in a very small town where most people have one motive in life.

things are not always going to be rainbows and roses. life is not easy. if life were easy, what would we be living for? we must learn to accept the past, the present, and the unknown of the future. beauty is held in the unknown. we must learn to accept each moment for what it is. slow down. appreciate. find acceptance in the little things. appreciate everything that you DO have.

have the faith to approach the hard things. to ask questions. to wonder. to wander. to seek. there are two types of people: seekers and settlers. there is absolutely nothing wrong with either path. the two paths however do not often merge together as one. they remain separate

be you. 
that is your only duty in life. be you. do you. accept the things you cannot change. love yourself and everything about you. strive for imperfection. stop comparing yourself to others. share your stories and your gifts. they may not be that of another. but they matter. someone needs you.

do more. 
when life finds you lost. do more. explore more. challenge your potential. try something new. get inspired in a new way. seek out new connections. do something you are afraid of. challenge yourself. get lost. visit something new. find a new hobby. i don't give a shit what you do. just do.

we all have intentions that lie in our heart. they guide us on a daily basis, even when we feel lost or misplaced. following your heart will never lead you astray. follow the pull and life will unfold as it it meant to be. let go of what you think life is supposed to be like and remember where you have been to lead you to this moment - the good, the bad, the ugly. it all contributes to the power of now. we must embrace everything about who we are and who we are becoming.

it's not always easy to step back and see the lesson. to understand the meaning of things under the surface. but we must fight. we must not give up. we must keep pushing on our journey and invite those along who support and cheer us on. those who undermine and judge us are only placed on our path to teach us resilience and patience. there's no greater story than one who followed their path. who stayed true to themselves. who didn't give into expectations. who shined their inner-light on every being in this world. it takes a lot of courage to be your own kind of different. if we were all the same, there would only be one kind of beautiful.
